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Bodily Relearning
Bodily Relearning
Bodily Relearning
Bodily Relearning
Bodily Relearning

Product Description

Bodily Relearning is a book for all healthcare providers and movement specialists who are actively helping those suffering from persistent pain. Bodily Relearning is also a two-day course. BRL courses held in 2023 receive a copy of this new book as part of their course fee!

The bodily relearning rehabilitation approach is based on the principle that our bodies are bioplastic and ever-adaptable and shows that there is hope, even in the face of significant persistent pain associated with a sensitized neuroimmune system. Explore how to help those with a sensitized neuroimmune system by seeking deep insight into one’s bodily protection responses, including pain; strategizing how to safely re-engage in meaningful activities; designing appropriate movement exploration plans and reflection skills; building resiliency; and enhancing mindfulness skills. The framework and examples in this book will help you to structure appropriate programs and guide you in that journey.

Benjamin Boyd, PT DPTSc, has extensive experience as a clinician, educator, researcher, academic, and therapist. Described as an “excellent clinical educator”, Ben has been teaching courses on peripheral nervous system anatomy, biomechanics, clinical evaluation, and intervention since 2004. This broad insight and rich knowledge combine with Emmanuelle Mariategue’s evocative artwork into a fresh and up-to-date holistic, humanistic exploration of how to make sense of pain and what to do about it. 

Includes: 5 x mindfulness recordings via QR codes in the book

Noigroup Publications (2023), 328pp pages, 79+ illustrations and diagrams, 390+ photographic images, softcover.

The book is intended for clinicians and thus assumes a certain level of medical/scientific knowledge.  However, there may be value for a dedicated reader outside the medical professions.  Importantly, it would be recommended that the content be discussed with a trusted healthcare provider for potential application to your specific circumstances. 



Customer Reviews

Bodily Relearning